Since 2010, Dir Clubs collaborates with academic reference institutions to contribute to the integral training of their students as a Center for Practices. A unique opportunity for future Fitness professionals to enjoy an initial approach to the workplace from the leading company in the sector in Catalonia.
Professional practices are an essential part of any dynamic study program that follows a methodology designed in the insertion in the market. In dir, students acquire the necessary knowledge and basic competences in a real environment that allows them to face tomorrow with guarantees.
Dir account with a wide range of practical agreements. From universities that teach the degree of coffee such as the Ramon Llull University, the Pompeu Fabra University and the University of Vic, as well as the INEFC Barcelona, to models in sports training such as the Vitae School and the Dolors Aleu Institute.
We also connect with centers that offer middle and upper grade cycles of sports technician such as CIC, the AITES, the Olimpia Institute, the Pia de Sarrià School, the Sports Institute of Barcelona, the Santa Eulàlia Institute, the Nautical School from Barcelona, the Les Salines Institute, the Vall d’Hebron Institute and the La Bastida Institute. Likewise, we collaborate with Orthos and Royal, professional certification centers.
During the 2023-2024 course, up to 120 students held stays at the Dir and Bdir clubs. The student profile is mainly divided into two paths: those who want to become personal trainers and those who aspire to be professors of directed activities.
Before initiating practical training, the technical directors of each gym evaluate candidates from the report provided by academic institutions and once considered suitable, DIR provides them with an orient guide and corporate sports equipment.
During the period at our home, the fellow receives guidance according to its affinities and accompaniment of the corresponding department, always in contact with the rest of the parties involved. If at the end of the practices it demonstrates a high level of skills, it can be selected as a dir worker.