Prevention officersOPPBTP (Professional Organization for the Prevention of Building and Public Works) are launching a prevention operation entitled "Against the noise I act"intended for construction workers. The aim of this campaign is to make professionals aware of the hearing risks they face on a [...]

In the vast area of the'agriculture, the breeders, market gardeners, winegrowers, arborists and others professionals people in the community face situations that require best work clothes. Let's take a look at what makes the farmer's outfit. The work suitThe combination of work is the most [...]

The CRS (Republican Security Companies) are part of a specialized body of the National Police. It's about mobile units who ensure the general security and participate in maintenance or restoration of public order. They are created on December 8, 1944 speak General de Gaulle following the [...]

the National Dog Training Center from Gendarmerie is a training center for dog officers located since 1945 in Gramat in the Lot.The center has two distinct missions, one of formation and the other operational. This specialized unit is engaged within the framework of search for human remains and of [...]