Originally, the military salute was a sign of peace and courtesy, taking on a more solemn character over the centuries to become today a sign of loyalty and brotherhood. There are as many military salutes as there are armies in the world, but its origin is common to all military.The history of the [...]

The Patrouille de France or Official Acrobatic Patrol of the French Air Force was created in 1953 and is considered one of the best acrobatic formations in the world. Made of nine pilots and of 35 mechanics, its year is broken down into two distinct periods: the winter season, intended for [...]

The secret of a bivouac success lies above all in its preparation! The choice of route and location are important, but the choice of the right equipment is even more so! Shoes, waterproof clothing or sleeping bags are among the essential equipment for bivouac. Without forgetting the survival [...]

What are the missions of the gendarme?The main mission of the gendarme is to ensure the protection of people and property, and security. It also participates in the prevention of delinquency, judicial inquiries, relief missions, maintenance of public order, respect for the enforcement of laws, [...]