Our online store offers many references of survival and bivouac products. Among all these products we have made a small selection of 4 unusual products which will become essential for your next outings in nature.The filter strawThis accessory is a technological revolution. This [...]

We are happy to announce the new partnership between Vetsecurity and Archiduchesse. Let's see the behind the scenes of this partnership and the why of this collection capsule ! Who is latter is a French manufacturer of pairs of socks quality since 2009. Born in [...]

In the majority of security professions, thecoaching is part of the daily life of professionals. Whether in the police, the gendarmerie, the army… Today we are going to see what is the essential equipment to be able to train at the practice of combat and shooting ...Hand combat.L’combat [...]

In one hostile environment or for a simple wild camping, several tools will be mandatory. Among them, your survival knife will be your best friend. It will be essential for build your survival camp, you to feed, or for all other uses. It is then very important to take care of it so that it does [...]