5.11 Tactical, a very popular brand!Specializing in tactical equipment and quality clothing, functional on all terrains even in the most extreme conditions, the brand born under the California sun, has been showing for many years to perfect the uniforms of the forces of the order and armies and [...]

At a time when a parliamentary report proposes to make the arming of municipal police officers compulsory, we offer you a focus on the profession of municipal policeman. What are the different missions of municipal police officers? Which security equipment are essential on a daily basis? What [...]

The gendarmes, police, firefighters or even soldiers work in difficult and often high-risk jobs. Fortunately, little tricks and gadgets can considerably improve their daily life… It may be wise to use, for example, anti-noise plugs for events, concerts…Accessories to improve comfortLittle tips [...]

Heat, humidity, sun… Are part of the daily life of many security professionals. Gendarmes, police officers, firefighters, security agents, soldiers in the field, must adapt to working conditions which sometimes become difficult or even extreme! Vet Sécurité, specialist in tactical clothing [...]