The weather, outdoor spaces, vacations, free time, sharing with family and friends are those sensations that summer brings us and that can become the ultimate motivation to go out to exercise, but heat and exercise Summertime can be a risky combination. We share 10 tips to enjoy summer exercise [...]

Until now, when it has seemed to us that Covid-19 was loosening, it has always returned. Society is made of politics, but a country is its people. The strength of people should never be underestimated. Thus, states decide rules and apply them. But the effectiveness of these measures is [...]

According to Buttler, if all the benefits of exercise could be put into one pill, it would be the world's most prescribed drug. (Butler, 2012) Scientific evidence supports the many benefits of exercise. It is difficult to think of a pathology where exercise does not help in one way or another, [...]

Everyone wants to feel secure whether at home, in your car, or just out going about your business. Unfortunately there may come a time when you need to have some means of self-defense, some way to protect yourself, your home or your family. If you've spent any time checking out different types of [...]