We call them Rangers, or Rangeots (pronounced “randjot”), but their official name is “Walking boots with adjoining leggings” (BMJA). The shoes worn by military, as well as security guards and firefighters, meet a very high level of requirements in terms of comfort, resistance and [...]

Learning martial arts is the best way to understand more about self defense knife techniques. Many martial arts practitioners try to master these skills due to the importance of defending themselves from any attackers using knife on the street.  There are many kind of [...]

Learning how to defend yourself against anybody that wants to harm you is a must. Fortunately with self defense videos courses that are available online, things get a lot easier and save your time than routinely go to normal martial arts class. Today, learning self defense techniques is [...]

Developed in consultation with operators intervening in a real situation, in different countries, the XPRT range from 5.11 Tactical, is characterized by mission-oriented engineering to deliver optimal performance and functionality.A Tactical outfit for the EliteDesigned to be worn under a [...]