It is now estimated that 85% of occupational illnesses are linked to musculoskeletal problems (TMS). Muscle injuries and pain that could be avoided by adopting a better position in our workplace. They concern both the From than other parts of the body (head, neck, shoulders, wrists, etc.). Signs [...]

Pour les militaires tout comme pour les passionnés d'airsoft, le camouflage occupe une place stratégique dans la réussite ou l'échec d'une mission. Des répliques d'armes aux vêtements en passant par l'application de peinture sur les mains, le cou et le visage, vous apprendrez tout ce que [...]

Today, the National Gendarmerie has a little over 250 divers in its workforce. The majority of them occupy the trade of'underwater investigator for the departmental gendarmerie. Each year, many candidates try to integrate this specialty but places are expensive and, even if they pass the entrance [...]