Jewelry and values As with magpies, thieves are attracted to what glitters. It is especially jewelry that has their preference. Why that ? This is because it is still very easy to resell these valuables. If they represent memories to you, they have only market value in the eyes of these [...]

Secure the exterior of your home Your exterior is the first point to be secured to prevent possible burglars from entering your property and therefore gaining access to your home. Effectively fence off your property Even though it is an integral part of the aesthetics of your home, it is essential [...]

Reinforced comfort of life for a preserved autonomy Effortless household chores Many household tasks can now be performed by robots, like the increasingly sophisticated autonomous vacuum cleaners which vacuum and even wash the floor without the slightest human intervention. In the garden too, it [...]

Can you move your alarm when you move? Unlike wired systems which can be difficult when moving, most wireless alarm models move fairly easily. The various equipment (alarm center, motion, smoke or opening detectors, surveillance cameras, etc.) are in fact independent of each other and transmit [...]