Since 2015, the Morange law has imposed the installation of smoke detectors, or DAAF, on all individuals and professionals. It must be said that the figures are enough to make pale, since there are more than 250,000 domestic fires per year in France, one every 2 minutes, responsible for 10,000 [...]

Krav Maga was discovered by Imi Lichtenfeld when he has working at IDF Learning School in Israel. Imi went through a rough childhood wherein he had to excel in different sports like wrestling, weightlifting, gymnastics, swimming, and boxing. He spent most of his life in Bratislava along with his [...]

Gian Spencer is a cop, an Italian decent he is serious about his career and public service, but a really funny guy. Tall, not heavy-looking, though. Always puts humor to everything around him. When not in a police officer's uniform, he could pass for a janitor. When dressed up for Sunday mass, he [...]

Self defense is such a broad term that the history of it cannot be pinned down in the least. It is safe to say, however, that the broad spectrum of self defense can be considered as having come from the dawn of time even the earliest forms of human had to learn how to protect themselves and teach [...]