Tag: Airsoft

As you may have read in our previous articles, airsoft scenarios are variable, as the techniques of play. There are many styles of play and the lines to choose will depend on your practice. We will discuss the theme of sniper, more commonly called the sniper. During an airsoft game, the sniper is [...]

The pleasure of a game ofairsoft depends on a lot of parameters and in particular the scenario! In fact, most of the airsoft games revolve around a story, a way of playing.We had already presented to you, on our blog, the basic scenario of a game of airsoft: Team Deathmatch (also called MME). [...]

What is airsoft? L’airsoft is a game, a sport or even a hobby. The designation often differs between practitioners. We can compare it to a similar activity, better known to the general public: paintball. The main difference is in the supply of rifles and pistols. Those for paintball are [...]

Very little publicized, the practice of airsoft today has many followers, in France and around the world. This leisure activity which combines play, sport and military strategy relies on the use of replicas projecting plastic balls. L’airsoft above all attracts passionate who come together in [...]