Tag: gendarmes

the kepi, introduced in 1861 and used by the French Army and National Gendarmerie, replaces the shako, headgear in the shape of a truncated cone with a visor. It is associated with the French because mainly carried in France.Its port has been in constant decline for about thirty years. It was [...]

Today, 80% of Ffrench use internet every day. 30 millions of them have a profile Facebook and more and more online procedures are carried out to day-to-day as thes orders e-commerce, the Banks and insurance in line and even the games video. the web being in constant development, l’insecurity on [...]

Gendarmes, wearing of the thigh holster for the staffing PASince July 27, 2016, date of the "NOTE-EXPRESS" of the DGGN, the port ofthigh gun is authorized to all members of the Gendarmerie, subject to meeting certain conditions.The soldiers of the Gendarmerie in service and in uniform are [...]