Tag: monitoring

Since 2015, the Morange law has imposed the installation of smoke detectors, or DAAF, on all individuals and professionals. It must be said that the figures are enough to make pale, since there are more than 250,000 domestic fires per year in France, one every 2 minutes, responsible for 10,000 [...]

Monitor your property by camera thanks to video surveillance Also called video protection, video surveillance represents a set of cameras used to film a public or private space permanently or according to scheduled times. You should know that nothing prevents an individual from installing a video [...]

Nowadays, with the increase in intrusions, it is not easy to calmly leave your home unattended. Thefts, burglaries, fires, floods, all difficulties impossible to foresee without adequate assistance. The presence of a video surveillance system reduces the risk of intrusion by nearly 60%. This is [...]

Home insurance and remote monitoring Depending on the scale of "levels of protection" defined by your insurer, it will determine the level of risk your home presents and the potential compensation. However, it will be advisable, or even imposed by some insurance companies, to respect some measures [...]