Tag: National

The National Gendarmerie, after having received 17 copies of the Seat Leon Cupra at the end of 2020, a new car dedicated to Rapid Response Teams (ERI) decided to to break up the contract for environmental reasons. The car emits too much CO2 while the objective is to move towards the cleanest [...]

The National GuardThe National Guard was created in 1789 and is, since 2016, the sum of operational reserves. It is made up of reservists from the Ministries of the Interior and the Armed Forces. In total, 76,000 French citizens which protect the French and strengthen the cohesion of the nation. [...]

The Civil reserve of the National Police is accessible to a large number of French people. She is made up of volunteer citizens, from retired police officers and D'former security assistants. We will approach the subject of the volunteer citizen a little more detail, through thehe various [...]