Become a volunteer firefighter (SPV)

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Volunteer firefighters represent 79% firefighters in France who intervene in the service of others in parallel to their profession. The commitment is 5 years renewable that it can suspend at any time. The SPV is not remunerated but it is offered to them:

– a social Security as part of its activities

– the payment of compensation for the time spent in intervention or in training according to the grade

They are security officers, the protection of people, from goods and of the environment like professional firefighters. They respect the national charter Who determines the rights and duties of the SPV as well as the skills maintenance necessary for interventions. She also asserts the behavior to respect before, during and after interventions with the victims.

Become a volunteer firefighter (SPV)

How to become a volunteer firefighter?

To become a volunteer firefighter, you must respect some conditions :

  • Be aged 16 years old minimum (up to 60 years maximum)
  • Enjoy your civil rights
  • Respect the national SPV charter
  • Reside legally in France
  • Qualifications conditions physical
  • Show good resistance psychological

To become SPV SSSM (Health and Medical Relief Service), you must have a medical degree and be registered in the order defined by the public health code. You must be admitted to the 2nd year of the 2nd and 3rd cycle to participate in the interventions.

To sign up as a Volunteer Firefighter (SVP), you must send your application to the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) of your department by attaching:

  • Cv
  • Cover letter
  • Copy of diplomas or training certificates.

Each engagement has a duration of 5 years renewable.

How to become a volunteer firefighter?


When you start as an SPV, you have a adapted entry training. Subsequently, in parallel with your activity as a Volunteer Firefighter, you also receive training to keep you in good health. fitness and increase your efficiency in intervention.

The training of the SPV is a training adapted to interventions from 30 days and spread over 1 to 3 years. She is made of many modules which allow to know the level of learning of the SPV. It involves 5 modules with 12 submodules the main lines of which are:

  • The module transverse
  • The module rescue to people
  • The module road rescue
  • The fire module
  • The module diverse operations

Each validated module gives the SPV the right to participate in a type ofspecific intervention.

Interventions Rescue of people Roadside assistance Fire activities Diverse operations
Transverse X X X X
Rescue of people X X
Roadside assistance X
Fire X
Diverse operations X

As in all bodies of intervention, the SPV, after training and commitments in the field, can aspire to become graduates. For most grades, it will take several years of field experience as well as specific skills like the skills ofteammate or from leader.

The different grades to which one Volunteer Firefighter can claim :

  • 1st class sapper
  • Corporal
  • Master Corporal
  • Sergeant
  • Chief sergeant
  • Adjutant
  • Chief Warrant Officer
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain

To receive a promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, it takes a level II diploma or one Tray 3, as to the degree of Captain, it will take a level I diploma or one Bac +5.

After an increase in rank, you benefit from adaptation training to activities and responsibilities of it. Any promotion requires conditions seniority and offers new training.