Self defense does classes are a dime a dozen today. You can find them in person all over the city that you live in. However, what if you're busy? What if you cannot get to a class on a regular basis? Those two questions are something that stops many people from going forward with learning martial [...]

Anti-aggression aerosols are offered for your personal protection and safety. With a spray distance of 2-3 meters, anti-aggression aerosols are used for their effectiveness and ease of use It is advisable to stay at least 1 meter away from your attacker for optimal use. Swelling and burning of [...]

Silat is one of the unique martial arts in this world that can become deadly in close combat fight. It is also known as the most practical self defense in term of counter attack strikes. The ability of silat exponent to counter attack the opponent to several killer points using simple strike such [...]

Sport is an important part of your life, you already have a lot of knowledge and you want to share it with as many people as possible. Becoming a sports coach is therefore your life project. But what is it exactly, a sports coach? What are the studies necessary to exercise this profession? What [...]