Change in sight for the French army!
Despite its defeat against Germany during World War II, France is without counting one of the five greatest military power in the world and does everything to stay that way.
We can no longer count the successful missions, its formidable and feared armies with for example the famous Foreign Legion to recite nobody else but them.
The army has been doing everything to maintain this status for several years, showing great ambition. To keep this status, it begins by better arming its troops and above all better equipping them.
The Famas (Automatic Assault Rifle of the Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Étienne), for example, famous assault rifle of the French army which one does not present any more which begins to have age, will thus be dethroned by a more recent weapon and of German manufacture which is the HK-416 assault rifle. “
This 5.56 mm NATO caliber rifle has the capacity to fire rifle grenades and can receive a 40 mm grenade launcher to increase its firepower ”(source DGA).
The “bugle” will therefore be replaced by the German model in 2017 and deliveries will continue for ten years with an import of more than 100,000 weapons, accessories and ammunition.
Finally, the new FELIN equipment (Infantryman with Integrated Equipment and Links) have been set up since 2010 by the General Directorate of Armaments to modernize the equipment of our soldiers in order to increase and develop their combatant capacities (lighter, more precise materials, etc …), and thus be more efficient during their internal and external operations.
The feline equipment are constantly evolving and are currently used by the 1st Infantry Regiment for example, and were used in the Malian theater of operations by our soldiers.