Kidnapping Alert
The Abduction Alert system was put in place in February 2006 on the basis of the American system Amber Alert, created in 1996 following the kidnapping of a 9-year-old girl. It currently has 60 partners (including, among others, TF1, NRJ, Facebook, Orange and even SNCF). For each alert, the toll-free number receives, on average, 700 calls.
It allows the diffusion fast, on the whole National territory, d’precise information relating toremoval of a child minor in order to receive testimonials susceptible to find the child.
Its release is decided by the Competent public prosecutor after deliberation with the Attorney General and the Ministry of Justice.
The rate of children found thanks to this device since 2006 is 95,8 % or 28 children found alive out of 24 kidnappings (of one or more children at a time).
Four trigger criteria
- The life or thephysical integrity of the victim must be threatened
- It must be a proven kidnapping
- The victim must be minor;
- Elements ofinformations must allow locate the child or suspect.
The prosecutor informs the parents of the victim, and their agreement is necessary when the alert is triggered.
The alert may not be triggered if it risks creating a additional danger for the child or jeopardize the ongoing investigation.
What’s in the message?
The alert message contains precise information which allow the location of the victim or of the person suspected of the kidnapping.
It should be released as soon as possible, first 24 hours being crucial for the survival of the abducted minor (s), and may be changed at any time, depending on the updating of informations received following its broadcast.
When the alert is launched, the message is broadcast on thehighway signs, radios and TV channels, but also on social networks in order to reach as many people as possible and be shared en masse. Since the creation of the device in 2006, 24 alerts have been triggered. In all, 28 children were concerned. Social networks are becoming a relais essential alert for investigators. Facebook engages with Kidnapping alert To delete fake pages, photos and names children when the alert is raised which allows a absolute control of the device.
Recognize a Fake News
To find out if the alert is real, you just have to check that it has been published on Accounts (Facebook, Twitter) and official website Kidnapping Alert. Otherwise it is most likely a fake.
To recognize an authentic alert, you must check whether:
- the Ministry of Justice logo is placed above the alert
- Alerts include a phone number and an email address to join the authorities
- If the spelling seems questionable, chances are good that it is a hoax
- Turn on your television or radio, the alert is repeated every 15 minutes
If you see the victim or the abductor, he born should especially not to intervene alone and contact the toll free number communicated in the alert message. The kidnapper can own a gun and could go away to serve against the victim if he spots you or even against you. Stay discreet to make your call. During a kidnapping alert, the most important information is that received during the first 24 hours.
In the event of your child’s disappearance, contact school or the crib to find out if it was not selected. If you are divorced, contact the other parent, it is possible that the latter has taken an initiative without notifying you.