Self Defense Anti Aggression Bomb To Mark Criminals

● Soyez confiant identifiez votre agresseur et prenez le temps de vous échapper et appelez la Police
● Bombe anti agression aide à surmonter le besoin d'use armes illégales telles que le bombe lacrymogene ou la Mace
● Manufactred au UK se conforme à la fois aux réglementations cosmétiques et alimentaires. 100% Légal en France tous les âges
● Sprays 4 meters Il suffit d’appuyer sur le spray identificateur criminel pour libérer et pulvériser le gel moussant sur le visage de la personne vous donnant des secondes vitales pour s’échapper et appeler la police
● Utilise par les portiers solitaires travailleurs femmes banlieusards personnes âgées étudiants propriétaires de magasin joggers voyageurs et d’autres fois des personnes vulnérables à la recherche de légitime défense


3 in stock

3 in stock


“Stay safe with Safehaus. 100% Legal in France. It is the smallest and most discreet defense gel available, perfect to carry in your pocket, purse, car, etc. A great way to boost your personal protection; increase your awareness and keep safety in your mind. You will also be ready to surprise, identify and potentially deter an attacker. Spray up to a distance of 4 meters Developed for use as a defense spray in countries where the pepper spray is illegal. Specially designed nozzle prevents accidental activation. The lifespan of a criminal identification spray is usually 3 to 4 years. The date of manufacture is on the bottom of the box. Small, de pocket and easily fits into bags Product dimensions: 85 x 34 (mm Content: 40ml Contains no harmful chemicals and completely legal for possession in France – Complies with food and cosmetic regulations etique Spray up to a distance of 4 meters – TIW Farb Gel Dimensions: 85 x 34mm It can be held at any age. Be careful, although this paint is not toxic, it should only be used in case of aggression. it’s not pepper spray or pepper spray Obstructing someone’s sight with this prank bomb can have legal consequences in the context of improper use. ”


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