The Gendarmes in the face of Cybercrime

Categories: Blog

Today, 80% of Ffrench use internet every day. 30 millions of them have a profile Facebook and more and more online procedures are carried out to day-to-day as thes orders e-commerce, the Banks and insurance in line and even the games video.

the web being in constant development, l’insecurity on this one also increases. De many information is accessible of all and the problem is mainly the processing and the analysis of this data, by the use which will be made of it.

Lidentity theft, the cybercriminality on the Darknet via le concealment weapons and of narcotics, the money laundering via the bitcoins, the radicalisation and the child pornography keep increasing every day.

This is why cells are set up to remedy these offenses. We are we going look into the different methods of action of the gendarmerie in the face of this constantly developing cybercrime.

La cellule C3N

In 1998, was created, within the gendarmerie, the department for the fight against cybercrime. En 2015, this department took the name of Center for the Fight Against Digital Crime (C3N). This cellule pilot and run the network CYBERGEND, made up of 3,500 specialized gendarmes in digital technology.

These net investigators intervene in order touse equipment seized at the end of operations : pedo businesscrime, various thefts, bank card fraude, etc. They analyze computers, tablets, cell phones, GPS and others digital devices, in order to extract as much usable information as possible.

the C3N also has the mission of monitor the internet Permanently. It is a question of detecting infringements and, of course, of collecting evidence. In addition, all aspects of the Internet are taken into account, whether it is classic web, social networks or even online games. line.

Moreover, the C3N also monitors the Darknet and in particular the bitcoin transactions and other cryptocurrencies of which everyone knows the sensitive side.

Land Center National d’Aanalysis of IMagi of Pedopornography (CNAIP) is attached to C3N.

Gendarmes N’Tech

Today, the threats that the gendarmerie must face have evolved, that is why the work of the gendarmes must adapt to these evolutions constants in order to fight against those different threats. For this, the gendarmerie trains specialized gendarmes in the new technologies and the analysis of all of the digital media: N’Tech gendarmes.

These web agents are able to carry out investigations on networks, to carry out technical analyzess on digital media, but also to assist investigation units which do not have skills required in this specific areaeu.

There are around 250 to 300 N’Techs spread over the territory which analyze prest from 300 files every year, which represents a total from 600 terra bytes of data passscreened over a year.

An N’Tech investigator tracks down three types of cyber offenders :

  • Hackers that attack websites by spreading a virus.

  • Cyber ​​offenders who market online counterfeit or illegal products, or publish Racist Thoughts, violent or in related to terrorism.

  • The cyber-pornographic attacks.

Ils shave Also loaded from prevention missions by intervening in educational institutions in order to prevent internet dangers. They also work in partnership with the mayors of the municipalities, prioritizing their actions on prevention and safety.It’s.

Modes of action

Those web policemen have different tools and modes of action to overcome all these offenses on the web. They are able to act in many very specific areas. Their techniques d’investigation remain, for their part, secret so as not to be overtaken by cybercriminals.

These cells of the fight against cybercrime are in frequent collaborations and in almost permanent contact with the large Internet companies. Whether it be Twitter or even Facebook, these are places or it will be easy to obtain identification elements of cyber offenders or else identity thieves.

They very often use thesurvey under pseudonym in order to dismantle traffickers on the Dark Web which can be usedée narcotics, weapons, etc. However, it is not possible to use this type of surveys for everything related to forgery from documents (passports, driver’s license, documents identitys, diplUmbrellamy).

Toolstelephone analysis allow them to determine a phone model and extract a lot of information atlles a list of contacts, voice or written exchanges, research history, etc. Usually all of the information present on a mobile are accessible to them even remotely.